Here’s why he can’t stop smiling

‘Without you, it would be even harder to reach my goal,’ UNO scholarship recipient says.

At first, he just stared at the envelope.

What is this?

He opened it.

Congratulations …

“It said, ‘You have been awarded this scholarship,’” says Mark A. Smith, a UNO social work student. “I was completely just full of joy.

“It meant that somebody looked at my application and my purpose for being in this program and said, ‘He’s worth backing.’”

He still has the letter. He still has the paper program from the banquet when he received the scholarship. And he’s still smiling.

Since opening that envelope, he says, many doors have opened for him.

Check out the video and see what a difference a donor can make in a single life – and the difference Smith, and UNO students like him, hope to make in the world.
If you would like to support UNO’s Grace Abbott School of Social Work, and students like Mark, please consider giving to the UNO School of Social Work Scholarship Fund or contact the University of Nebraska Foundation’s Tessa Barney at 800-432-3216.

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