Bad bugs. No drugs.

UNMC’s College of Pharmacy is working to fight bugs that cause disease.

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UNL School of Computing Excellence Fund

This fund permits the department to allocate resources to specific areas of need.

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College of Education & Human Sciences Faculty & Staff Development Fund

Your gift provides much needed professional development resources for the college’s faculty and staff.

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Encore Circle Fund

A gift to this fund provides much needed support to the college’s School of Music with the following giving levels: Take a Bow, $25; Second Call, $50; Rave Reviews, $100; and Standing Ovation, $500+.

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Agriculture Research & Development (ARDC) Center Discretionary Fund

A gift to this fund benefits and supports the general needs of the department, including awards for faculty, scholarships for students, grants for travel, and support for student activities and awards.

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UNMC Department of Pathology/Microbiology Resident/Fellow Educational Excellence Fund

Your gift to this fund will be used to develop teaching aids, purchase educational material or equipment, send residents/fellows to educational meetings, host guest lecturers or provide other needs of the residency program.

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Natural Resources Development Fund

A gift to this fund benefits and supports the general needs of the department, including awards for faculty, scholarships for students, grants for travel, and support for student activities and awards.

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Astir CASNR Emergency Student Aid Fund

This critical fund enables the dean of the college to award much-needed stipends to deserving CASNR students who are at risk of disruption to their education as a result of financial hardship.

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Plant Pathology Department Excellence Fund

A gift to this fund benefits & supports general needs for the Plant Pathology Dept. focusing on student opportunities in the next century. Gifts will help recruit top students, provide innovative training, and create world-changing scientists. Thank you!

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UNL Transportation Center Excellence Fund

Your gift to this fund supports the Nebraska Transportation Center and allows this nationally and internationally recognized educational and research center to respond to priority projects or needs as they arise.

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Art Patrons Circle Fund

A gift to this fund provides much needed support to the School of Art, Art History & Design with the following giving levels: Warhol, $25; Picasso, $50; Rembrandt, $100; and da Vinci, $500+.

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College of Medicine Education & Technology Excellence Fund

College of Medicine Education and Technology Excellence Fund will be used for the benefit and support of education and technology needs of the College of Medicine.

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