Category: UNO

Students say the most grateful things

“If I could ever say anything, face to face, with the people who gave me the money to chase my dreams … it would be a very long handshake and possibly a hug,” says Parker Loghry, a Thompson Scholar at UNK. “I would just look them in the eye and say, ‘You have no idea.’”

Turkey on the 4th of July

Four University of Nebraska students had studied Turkey more than almost anyone else in the world their age. But then they spent a few weeks in that country last summer, and their textbooks opened wide. They walked inside.

Berkshire Hathaway investor invests in Omaha

Poverty. Science. Education. The arts. That’s where Dick Holland has put almost all of his money. “I feel there’s no point in leaving life without having done things for your fellow man.”

She loves computers. And it shows.

She’s fallen in love with IT. Information Technology. But three years ago, Katherine Slump, now a UNO freshman, had no idea what IT even was.