University of Nebraska Foundation announces new board chair and directors

The University of Nebraska Foundation’s board of directors has announced the election of Bill Jackman of Dallas as the new board chair for a two-year term.

The foundation’s trustees elected Anne Hubbard, M.D., and Thomas H. Warren Sr., both of Omaha, to serve as board directors for a three-year term.

Board member Don Voelte of Omaha was elected chair-elect and will serve as board chair beginning in fall 2021.

JoAnn Martin of Lincoln, CEO of Ameritas, concluded her term as board chair and continues her service as a member of the board of directors.

“Our directors are incredibly generous in sharing their time, talent and treasure to help us in our mission to grow relationships and resources that enable the University of Nebraska to change lives and save lives,” said Brian Hastings, president and CEO. “The foundation was formed 83 years ago by volunteer leaders, and today we are fortunate to still have a cadre of our most ardent supporters who provide outstanding volunteer leadership.”

Jackman graduated from the University of Nebraska‒Lincoln College of Business. A former member of the Nebraska Huskers basketball team, he went on to play professional basketball with teams in the United States and other countries before earning an MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He’s worked in finance and wealth management and is currently senior vice president of wealth management investments at UBS Financial Services in Dallas. He’s been a trustee of the NU Foundation since 2000 and joined the board of directors in 2012.

Hubbard received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine and practiced as a radiologist for more than 20 years. She spent her career at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and then at UNMC and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha. She is director of the Claire M. Hubbard Foundation, a family foundation established by her mother. She’s been a trustee of the NU Foundation since 2017.

Warren is president and CEO of the Urban League of Nebraska. He received a master’s degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in criminal justice and is a graduate of Morningside College where he studied criminal justice and sociology. He joined the Omaha Police Department in 1983 and served as chief of police from 2003 to 2008. He’s been a trustee of the NU Foundation since 2015 and a member of its governance committee since 2017.

Voelte is owner of VoKe Energy and has held leadership positions for energy companies over his career spanning more than 40 years. He’s a graduate of the UNL College of Engineering and chairs the college’s advisory board. He joined the foundation’s board in 2016, serves on various board committees and has been a foundation trustee since 2001.

Other current members of the foundation’s board of directors are Dan Bahensky of Kearney, Paul Engler of Amarillo, Texas, Charles D. Fritch, M.D. of Bakersfield, California, Carey Hamilton of Omaha, Norman R. Hedgecock of Lincoln, Margaret M. Holman of New York City, Robert Kelley of Scottsbluff, Rodrigo López of Omaha, Jane E. Miller of Omaha, Angie Muhleisen of Lincoln and J. Scott Nelson of Lincoln.

Directors who serve as ex officio board members are Brian F. Hastings, president and CEO of the NU Foundation; Timothy Clare, J.D., chairman of the University of Nebraska board of regents; and Susan M. Fritz, Ph.D., interim president of the University of Nebraska.

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