Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library

Support the Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library

The Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library provides quality health sciences information services as well as leadership through the Regional Medical Library. Named after Omaha obstetrician and former UNMC faculty member Dr. Leon S. McGoogan (1900-1993), the library personifies his own commitment to quality and excellence for the university.

Through your support, the McGoogan Health Sciences Library is able to maintain a growing collection of information in traditional and nontraditional formats, ranging from the visual to the electronic, and is able to subscribe to more than 2,100 of the world’s most influential biomedical journals.

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Leon S. & Vera K. McGoogan Library Fund

A gift to this fund supports the greatest needs of the McGoogan Library.

Robert and Virginia Grissom Educational Resource Fund

Gifts made to this fund will support the McGoogan Library of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center

Wolfensberger Collection Fund

Please consider a gift to the Wolfensberger Collection Fund as we bring Dr. Wolfensberger’s legacy to the world.

Measure your life by the difference 
you’ve made in someone else’s.

When you make a gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation you can trust that it will be used in the way in which it was intended. That’s a promise we’ve kept with our donors since our organization was founded in 1936.