College of journalism and mass communications

Support The college of journalism and mass communications

The College of Journalism and Mass Communications nurtures curious and creative minds to thrive in the ever-changing media and communications professions. Our “do from day one” experience is rooted in hard work, collaborative problem-solving and the ethical pursuit of truth to uphold democracy. Our vision is to be a national leader in experiential journalism and mass communications education.

Behind the scenes photo of two students in UNL College of Journalism in new experience lab.

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N Fund – College of Journalism and Mass Communications

Gifts to this fund provides the college with highly desired unrestricted funds which allow the college to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

CoJMC Student Experience Fund

Students in the College of Journalism & Mass Communications are encouraged to take their skills beyond the classroom. Gifts to this fund support students taking part in unique experiences to enhance their knowledge and further their career opportunities.

N Fund – College of Journalism & Mass Communications Scholarships

Gifts to this fund provide scholarships to students in financial need including students facing emergency situations that can derail their pursuit of an education.


Measure your life by the difference 
you’ve made in someone else’s.

When you make a gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation you can trust that it will be used in the way in which it was intended. That’s a promise we’ve kept with our donors since our organization was founded in 1936.