Category: Research and Innovation

Bridging the Drug Discovery Gap

When Marsha and Neal Morien decided to invest in UNMC’s Center for Drug Design and Innovation, they knew it could benefit not only the state of Nebraska, but possibly the world.

‘Public Health, It’s Everything’

Katie Weitz believes the College of Public Health can make the world a better place. But it’s hard to explain what it is: “I think everybody would care about public health if they knew what it was.”

Turning the Tide on Diabetes

Diabetes On Track seeks to improve diabetes care and prevention by piloting a new approach in two rural Nebraska communities. Launched this fall, the idea is for communities to tailor their own solutions through collaboration among health departments, health clinics, hospitals and community groups.

Gut Check

Our bodies are home to trillions of microbes, and their impact is vast. At UNL and UNMC, scientists are conducting extensive research of the microbiome to find the links from agriculture and food production to human wellness and the prevention of disease.

Serenity on Campus

UNO’s Community Counseling Clinic has progressed rapidly in recent years. The growth is partly due to an accelerating demand for counseling services brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and an easing of the stigma around mental health. But it is also due to the department’s rising-star faculty and the national attention they’ve garnered from their research.